
To those places affected by the smog, please take good care of yourself and wear a proper mask. Not the surgical mask but a real N95 mask. - Ry4nTr3

Monday, July 14, 2014

Final Match Tweets!

I know, I know that the match is already over so why bother blogging about it already? Well this is not about the match itself but more to a statistical data during the match. Don't you wonder how was the Twitter timeline during the match and the first goal by Germany? Well the data map below could give you an idea. FYI, red is Germany and blue is Argentina. If it's white, well it's too dense for both colours that it turned white. It's like a tweet war I might say.

P.S: Try to see the escalation of the tweet during the 1st goal by Germany! Whoa!

Maroon 5 & Palestine?

Hey there Readers.

Suddenly something came up on FB about Maroon 5 acknowledges Palestine based on the following shared post by my sister from another FB page.

Not that I don't support the movement but this is a little misleading. I've found the original tweet by the musician Adam Levine as shown below and the date shows it was dated back at 2011.
After that doing some research for the cause of the tweet, several results popped up. One of it was from the Daily News (click here for the article) which describes some tweet war between Fox News and Adam Levine. So I'm not sure the cause or why he wrote that but obviously that he's pretty pissed off and I don't see the relations about it to supporting/acknowledging the Palestinians based on that one tweet. I don't mind that we are helping those who are in need but spreading false facts are wrong. Get the source right and let it be trustworthy.

Hope it helps.