
To those places affected by the smog, please take good care of yourself and wear a proper mask. Not the surgical mask but a real N95 mask. - Ry4nTr3

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tok benar ka sik?

Ok, torang rasa tok benar ka sik? Ada juak kedak benar...Gila la mun jumpa gya dirumah! Ada berani?

Evil Girl ghost
Uploaded by czoom


  1. cant tell if its real o not... but from the beginning of the clip, the girl macam unsure jak.. hmm..!! i dont THINK its true... but whatever it is, those things does exist...

  2. hmm...looks real. I did show this to my colleague and he said "ah! itu video! mainan video...bisa main apa2 aja. bukan bener...cuma percaya yang ia wujud."

    So I think what you said is nearly the same as what he says too. Hehe...Makhluk halus memang wujud. :P


Thank you for the comments! I really appreciate for the feedback. :)