
To those places affected by the smog, please take good care of yourself and wear a proper mask. Not the surgical mask but a real N95 mask. - Ry4nTr3

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sleepy...Eh? Apa berlaku?

I just woke up from my sleep on my afternoon break. Man, my head's spinning...Sik tau apa berlaku glak. Kinda weird that I felt that way since I am not that tired or anything. So I made a call to my wife just to make sure she's ok with my mum and sis. I asked her what had happened and I can't remember much what happened during my sleep or anything. Weird...

Bini aku padah nya dah beli webcam kedak aku suruh tapi aku sik ingat pun ada ku padah. Berik duit pun sikda tapi nya padah aku dah polah money transfer pakey beli webcam & belanja makan. What? When? Whoa..serious aku sik ingat apa yang berlaku. Nya ada juak padah yang mum ada juak call nanyak something about IT. Wait... Seriously, how come I don't remember what has happened? Tadi apa yang berlaku kedak mimpi jak. Ne sik, aku rasa kedak ada bini aku nanyak tentang mok beli cartridge printer tapi aku rasa juak kedak salah berik info ngan bini. Ya aku terus call nya masa ya. Masa nya nanyak mok beli cartridge jenis apa k printer, aku padah beli nombor 60 untuk printer model D2560 tapi nya padah sekda aku padah gya, kerana tadi aku padah aku suruh beli jenis 21 untuk printer model 1410! Ah? Sejak bila? Tapi mun ingat2, memang aku dolok belikan pakey rumah aku model 1410 tapi kenak aku rasa kedak aku suruh beli model D2560? Ya printer lamak aku nok dah sik dapat pakey!

Whoa, whatever it is I better straighten things out... Check my Maybank account and I found out that what she said was correct. I did make the money transfer as well as everything else. Then what happened during my sleep? Aku rasa kedak lama gilak dah tido tambah2 gik rasa lain badan ngan perasaan. Ah, kena berwudhu tok! Hehe... Haa..Torang cya, jangan juak tido lamak2. Kelak bleh jadi kedak aku juak. :P


  1. whoaaa... you didnt realize ka?! you've been that way so many times bro... when you wake up, become very moody... pas ya sik ingat what you've said... too many times lar bro...!!

    1. No sis. Seriously I didn't realize that. I was all moddy and I was blur. Things that happened I thought was like a dream or something. To an extend I've asked Tri whether I've given her this month pocket money! Whoa..

  2. haha.. Bhaya2.. Mgkin kne tido lme lg kot, biar otak abis process dlu..kui2 :P

    1. haha..mungkin gak tapi kalau tido lame2, nnti org cakap makin blur. ha? mana satu nih? :P


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