
To those places affected by the smog, please take good care of yourself and wear a proper mask. Not the surgical mask but a real N95 mask. - Ry4nTr3

Monday, December 14, 2009

Yosh! Hujan lebat gik!

Ok, yesterday I did say that it was raining and it just gotten worse! Dah setahun aku sitok tapi sekda juak hujan lebat nak mampus kedak gtok. Pagi tek masa mok turun kerja ada delay dikit juak kerana hujan lebat gilak2. Dangerous for driving but work must go on. So turun juak keja tapi on the way kerja semua kereta nyala sidak pun 'emergency light' kerana takut berlanggar sama kedirik. Mek orang pun gya juak la, kelak sik sampe keja mun apa2 berlaku. Keh3!

Anyway, I took some videos and photos to share the experience. Memang la selalu hujan tapi apa best pasal hujan tok? Haaa...kan dah ku madah, aku kat middle east dan tempat pun dah la nama padang pasir, tapi ada juak hujan lebat! Mun dolok, hujan nya besa2 dan sekejap2 jak tapi kinek tok nang lebat benar la! Sikpa2, torang nangga jak video kat dbah tok dan tau2 jak kedirik. Hehe!

Hah! Kan dah padah? Masa ya dalam keta mok g kerja. Hai...lambat juak la g keja ya...Tapi sikpa, janji sik demam kan? Hehe...


  1. hmmm... bro, no video ley..?? anyway, when you mentioned about the hazard lights... it remind me of KL. during that time it was raining heavily, cant see a thing except for the hazard lights... i can imagine the scene... hehehe...!! take care bro...

    1. eh? really? i thought I fixed it already. well it's fixed now. should be ok. try to have a look at it. mun masih ada masalah..padah jak. thanks for noticing sis!

      yea, i'll take good care of myself sis. thanks again! :)


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